Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rough Day

Wyatt had his friend James spend the night. And Irene's two younger boys needed to come by, a mix up in their schedule.  The kids don't bother me as a matter of fact I usually enjoy having a houseful.  Wyatt gave me a little attitude when I told him he shouldn't leave Jesse out.  I know he is way younger, but most of  the time there are ways to include him.  I never allowed AJ to treat Wyatt like that. I do have Jesse separate for now.
I think a lot of my stress today has to do with Doug, I try very hard to guard his sleep and he still doesn't get enough rest.  I have stayed on the older boys all day trying to keep it to a dull roar.  Irene's will go to work at four and James' mom will come and get him after work.
I was suppose to go to lunch with Irene. I forgot AJ had an appointment.  It was a disappointment to cancel. I have some things I would like to talk through with her....stuff I don't want to email.  She is a bright spot in my life and I know I can trust her to help me sort through...We will meet tomorrow instead at a new restaurant in Cazenovia; Dave's Place.
Tomorrow is AJ's last day home.  We take him to Elim Saturday.  Don't think for one moment that I am not feeling that.
I think I am going to slip my little boy upstairs for a nap.  He should sleep well.  I took him out to play before lunch.  He really ran around and we jumped on the trampoline together...played goose...there was not enough to play duck duck goose.  He is so smart.  I love him desperately.

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