Monday, August 22, 2011

Heart Lessons

As  I walked to the mailbox I spotted more weeds that has to be removed from my flower bed.  I was out there weeding 2 days ago.  Trying to keep up with it is tough, but the beauty and joy it brings makes it worth the effort.  My life is much like my garden, my whole yard in general.  The vegetable garden was planted with a weed guard in place.  The main part of it has been free of weeds from the beginning of my planting. 
There are large areas we use as our yard (about 2 acres of our 7 plus acres) that is wild with thorn bushes, seedlings, weeds, poison ivy, all sorts of wild vegetation and yet, more flower beds that are overgrown....these are things that I can can conquer in time, one section at a time. 
I think my biggest frustration is my large flower bed. It took weeks to clear out. It was over taken by multiplying perennials and weeds.  I took control of it by ripping out everything that didn't belong. But, there is always work to be done, maintenance is a constant to not only remove the the new weeds, but more importantly battle the ones that have already been taken care of . The ones that relentlessly reappear because I cannot seem to get to the depth of the root.

There are places in my heart that have always been protected.  Places that are wild, but controllable and the area of my biggest concern.  That dark place in my heart that I have to battle continually, that is relentless, that wants to over run all that is good and beautiful.  The same issues, the same struggles and the same pain. I grow weary of  this battle. But I know that every effort I make for the upkeep of my soul to be the woman God intends me to be is worth the fight, pain and frustration of battling my own mind and circumstances.  No matter how long it takes, I will fight, win and become the better for it. I know in my heart, no matter how hard or how long I am always in the presence of my living, loving Father.

Psalm 30:11,12
You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever!

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