Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Not A Lot to Say These Days

The Lord’s Grace to Paul
1 Timothy 1:12-17
I don't know why I just have not had a lot to share lately. I am doing very well.  Sitting in my sister's living room in Villa Rica Georgia, the first of four glorious weeks.  I have seen many changes in myself the last several weeks. I have found myself enjoying caring for my family and have found a deep love and respect for my spouse that is more powerful than I have ever experienced. He in return openly pours his affection onto me, I have never been happier.
God also has a new meaning in my life.  He has gotten a hold of me in a way that is almost alarming. My love and desire to know him seems to be unquenchable. I know it is his spirit in me urging me to seek him.  I do have some strongholds in my life that still need to be broken, but I have been delivered from so much, I know that in time God will continue his work to free me.
Doug actually went to church with me on Father's Day.  Pastor Dan's message was so powerful  that it moved us both in the area of raising our children.  We have gotten far off the mark with Wyatt.  Allowing him freedoms he is not ready for.  Doug and I will make the changes necessary to protect our sons from the wiles of the enemy.  I hope this means, also that he will join us in church, but I will not pressure him to do so.  After we were prayed for Doug was astonished at everything Pastor Carla prayed, he said it was like she was looking right into our life...It is so good to be home....

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