Friday, April 29, 2011

Changes in Attitude

I wrote a post in my old blog, Amazing Adventures, about not having a choice to whether you are living a life of loneliness.  Loss is all around us.  People breeze into our lives and breeze back out. Some friendships are for a season and some are for a lifetime.  Whether it is by choice or not, losing someone you love is difficult. But it is not a sentence to a life of loneliness.
I now believe as long as you have the ability to make a call, an email, get into a car or even walk downtown, loneliness is a choice.  I know there are people everywhere, people that needs a friend.
As long as there is an ability we should try to make a difference. Bake a pie and visit a neighbor, volunteer at a nursing home (that is a place full of lonely people who doesn't have a choice). If it is in your ability see how you could assist at a prison. Call that person that seems super popular...never know, they may spend more time alone than one would guess. Contact the people in your church that appears outside the loop of popular members. Look at your own family.  Does your spouse need attention? Maybe your kids need to talk or would enjoy playing a game with you. How long has it been since you have spoken to parents or siblings.
As a Christian, I believe that even though I long for human companionship, I have my God who loves me and is always present in my life.  I am thankful that I can talk to him anytime I want to. God created us to be relational beings and  I am hoping that my desire for him increases as the world continues to turn around the sun.

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