Friday, December 28, 2012

New Year, New Life

I don't have a bunch of New Years resolutions.  I do, however, have a plan.  I want a do over in my life.  I want to stop whining over what I feel my life should have been and start living the life I have.  My marriage in not perfect, but it is worth working for.  Yes, I am a middle aged mother of a preschooler who zaps my energy by mid morning (Maybe how power naps were discovered).  We are not as comfortable financially as we once were, but we do have 3 square one, not even the pets are doing without.  I have come to the conclusion that my belief in a full schedule somehow made me accomplished is utter bull. I am not accomplished I am tired.  It is time to step back and readjust my thinking and prioritize.
I am starting this new venture with my Bible, a blank calender and a notebook.  I am going to take stock in my life and weed out the business that is just  My time and talents are valuable. This year I want to get to know Jesus, really know him.  Have an intimate relationship with my Lord. Something I have never quite understood, but greatly desired.  I want to enjoy my last months home with Jesse before he takes his first steps away from me into preschool.  I want to  get to know me.  My likes and dislikes, my hopes and dreams.  I want to sew more time with Wyatt and enjoy whatever time I have left with my grown son, AJ, before he moves out on his own. I want to find a diet I can stick to and regain my girlish figure.  I want to be the kind of friend I would like to have. I want to bless my husband and let him know everyday he is loved and that his sacrifice for us, his family, is not unnoticed but appreciated.
I know that is a lot to try and fix. I also know if I work on these things a little everyday and not try to force myself into being superwoman, but patiently allow myself to blossom all these things (and more) are possible.

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