I have seen some things lately that I find disturbing in others...that is probably because I was on the same road myself. Becoming complacent is easy. Satan, the enemy of our souls, strive to put blinders on many parents and we are unintentionally allowing an open attack on our children. It breaks my heart to see people I love in this situation and like myself, they don't even know it is going on.
Both my husband and I were lacking in the department of raising our children in a Christian home. For that matter we were failing at living our life as Christians. Because of our personal failure and laziness we had given up on raising them to become healthy, happy and responsible members of society. We were allowing them to do almost anything to keep them happy and a quite as possible. Fortunately my eldest, AJ was to an age and a place in his personal walk with the Lord to stray very little from our original plan and standards for our kids. Wyatt, our 13 year old took full advantage of our bad behavior and lapse in judgement and Jesse, the baby he has never really been disciplined. Since his birth we have given into everything he wants from watching Barney several hours a day to candy for breakfast. It may have to do with being middle aged parents and we were plain wore out. It was easier to make them happy than to be a watchful and diligent parent. As I had written before, Father's Day was a turning point in our lives. We were not protecting our sons ...we were not parenting....period!
Since Fathers Day 2011, my beloved husband and myself have turned everything around. I am getting to know Wyatt's friends, restricting movies, television and video games to age appropriate ratings, spending more time with the boys and and even adjusting our diets to consume less sugars and more whole healthy foods. Wyatt has whole heartedly accepted the change, Jesse is a bit reluctant and still begs for cookies for breakfast. AJ, who was with us for that particular sermon has restricted himself from watching things like Family Guy. I am thankful to God for making that divine appointment for my family to be at Deeper Life Christian Center for us to be corrected as Christians and parents. I no longer watch anything over PG-13 and if it is for excessive language or sexual situations, I don't watch them. The changes in me are miraculous. My family is my life and a relationship with my father is something I seek instead of looking for happiness in things that satisfy only for a moment and distracts me from the important things in life. Every day is a challenge to protect my kids, to not just give them what they want for a bit of peace and quite and for me to stay hungry for a relationship with God. To give my husband the best of me and be a blessing to friends and family.
I have that Father's Day sermon and I know Pastor Dan's heart, he would want to touch as many people as possible. I will give a copy or send a link through bigfiles.com to anyone who would like to hear this life changing teaching. You can email me at proud-mama3@live.com with either request.
May the Blessings of God be upon you and your family.
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