Sunday, March 7, 2021

Help! I am not a good blogger!

Turns out I am not a very good blogger. I wanted to take time to commit to this and over a year later there has been no updates. Turns out I have been living my life more than writing about it. My latest news is undergoing lung surgery. This was very hard on my body. The absolute worst life experience to date.I am amazed at how strong I really am. I am a fighter. I am going to win this fight too.

Let me go back a bit. I am a breast cancer survivor. I had Triple Negative Breast cancer in 2006. I had a suspicious spot in my uterus along with a few other frustrating symptoms it was recommended that I have a hysterectomy. This was preformed on October 15, 2019. I recovered very well from that and moved on with life as a busy wife, mom and grandmother.

I woke up one morning with a painful knot on my arm. It took a few months to show it to my doctor and he said it was a fat tumor. If it gets to big or starts causing discomfort I need to have it removed. Long story short on August 19, 2020 I had a very large sarcoma removed from my right arm just above the elbow. Because Sarcoma’s first movement is to the lungs it was insisted upon for me to have a chest CT. The first of a few was positive for lung nodules. Finally months later the right one has been addressed and removed. First look it is considered to be Neuroendocrine tumor. But it has to be sliced, diced and looked at from many angles before a diagnosis is given. In 2 weeks I see my surgeon and we will decide if the left lung needs work. Probably will have to remove 2 nodules from the top and lower lobe.

This is the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I am very fortunate that I have a nice support system. I am being well cared for. 

So this is what I am up to. Just trying to make it through my current situation.