Monday, February 24, 2014

It's Not Over Till it is Over

I lost my father in law yesterday at around 4:35 pm. I don't have much to say about it....I feel he had a good death, surrounded by love.  He was extubated at about 1:00 and put on comfort care.  He was attended by his wife of a lifetime, Three of his children, 3 grandsons and myself.  Right now I feel the world has stopped although we continue to move in it.  Trying my best to be strong for my husband and family.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Missing Her

Twelve years ago today my Mother stepped from this world into Eternity. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Twenty-Nine Years

There is nothing special about me and Doug. We are simple people.  He is from Central NY and I am from a small town in Georgia. We met, dated, lived together and married all within 9 months.  Nothing special about our relationship, just two people in love. Our wedding was nothing more than a suit, dress and a few words in front of a preacher...with my mom, stepfather, sister and a handful of his friends watching, thirty dollar gold bands and a homemade reception.  Here we are 29 years later, still together.  Nope other than our three sons there is nothing special about us....with the exception that God chose us to live and love together and I believe with all my heart God brought Doug all the way from his home town to mine because we were meant to be together...