Thursday, May 31, 2012

There Must Be a 12 Step Program Somewhere

My title is quoting my sister when I told her of the website I have been visiting. is an in depth experience of the Potter books authorized by JK Rowlings. For nerds like me it is a nice experience where one of my favorite stories doesn't have to end at book seven.  I have found a magic carpet ride from Privet Drive to Diagon Alley.  Opened an account at Gringotts Wizarding Bank, purchased first year books at Flouish and Blotts, my cauldron at Potage's, various supplies at Wiseacres equipment shop, my cat at Eeylops and through a series of questions my wand choose me at the fabulous Ollivander's. It is 12 1/2 inch, maple with a dragon heartstring core. 
Now I am stuck in Diagon Alley yet to figure out how to move onto the next chapter....I guess that is a good thing or my newest obsession would keep me enchanted and from living in the real world....where the magic of my life truly exists.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A visit to Burger King after Jesse's first dental appointment

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Handy Woman

AJ helped me for the most part of the new chicken pen.  We moved fence posts, fence and is considerably larger than the makeshift one in the yard.  I covered most of it with chicken netting.  To keep them in and predators out.  I ran out of netting and was caught in the rain.  But 85+ is covered.  If they don't have room to get up the speed to fly they can't is nesting boxes. As fall approaches, I will have to figure a way to enclose the house better to prepare for winter. 
Most every project I take on is a new experience and I have to figure it out as I go along.  So far flying by the seat of my pants is working well. Even if my husband disagrees most of  the time.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Going Out with My Boots On

When I die I want it to be living!

It has been no secret that over the past breathless years I have suffered from depression and fatigue.  I know that the majority of it was physical.  I have been through a lot in the almost 12 years since leaving Georgia for New York.  The move in itself was a major change for not only me but for my boys as well.  It took a couple years to get over the culture shock and settle into our new life.  Wyatt was only 2 and he cried everyday to go to "Mommy's house".  He wanted to go home.  We moved from Georgetown to Morrisville the following year.  My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer October 2001.  My boys and I spent three months living with my sister supporting and caring for Mother.  She lost the battle on February 19, 2002.  In 2006 I had my own cancer diagnosis.  Had a lumpectomy which I call a partial mastectomy and centennial node dissection  in June first and so far only surgery.  Followed by Chemotherapy in NY and internal radiation in Philadelphia....After a time of recovery I found myself unexpectedly pregnant in the spring  and had my 3rd son on New Years Eve 2008.  I was in love the moment I saw him, but was floored with yet another major life change...Postpartum depression and with the major hormone changes we added Premenstrual Disphoric Disorder to my laundry list of problems. Last fall my eldest left for Bible College.  A few months ago I lost a four year friendship with Keri...a person I trusted with my life and shared everything with...I know it doesn't sound like much spread over 12 years, but you have to consider  these are just highlights...there were plenty of other mini dramas in between.
God is good and life moves on...I am now a 46 year old mother of a twenty, fourteen and three year old, a wife of 27 years, a cancer survivor and a magnificent housewife.  There is nothing I cannot accomplish if I put my mind to it.  I cook, clean, shop, care for kids and pets, homeschool Jesse, do the yard work and landscaping and still manage to take care of myself.

I have discovered that I am tired surviving life...I want to live it. And live it to the fullest potential.  I am past self pity and self destruction. I love more, worship harder, work longer and take time enjoy  the scenery. 

This is my summer project.  Armed with a bow saw and long handled pruners I am going into hand to hand combat with the over and undergrowth on south side of our property

I cleared that dead mound of tree and vine yesterday...Broke it down into burnable pieces

Still a lot to do although I have worked and cleared so much this week

Making headway
I am going to make a burning spot on the North side of our property so I can dispose of larger pieces of wood and other debris that I am working so hard on removing.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

And the Journey Continues....

Time to get back to the pleasures of living...Life is too short to not enjoy every precious moment...the good, the bad and the beautiful....

Ask for Help?

When I had Jesse, the last thing my sister said to me before she left for Georgia was "Don't be afraid to ask for help"...

This is what I get for asking AJ to fold and put away the towels

 That's better

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ever After

Drinking and dancing made her happy for a while. A life of one night stands and sixty hour work weeks made her feel important...But she never had the pleasure of giving her heart to a loving man or breath in the smell of her new baby. The Grass ALWAYS looks greener on the other side.

Slow Down Sister

"Slow Down Sister"
~Lady Antebellum

Slow down sister cause I just can't love ya
But I just can't get you off my mind

I ain't your fool, I'm not falling
I'm not falling in love with you
I play by my rules
And believe me
You don't want me too close to you

And even though you look so fine
I've been on this broken road one too many times

So slow down sister cause I just can't love ya
But I just can't get you off my mind
Oh and Lord knows I need ya
But I just don't want to
Put this rusted heart upon the line

I've heard people say
That I'm crazy
That I'm crazy for avoiding you
But honey I got my freedom
And my reasons
All the reasons for what I do

But that last kiss just did me in
And I don't wanna look at you as something
More than a friend

Oh slow down sister
I've got to make you mine
Oh all I'm asking for is just a little time
A little more time

Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh my gosh this crazy love! I knew I was going to love Jesse, but I had no idea how overwhelming and powerful it was going to be. He is such a blessing and a most precious gift. I thank God daily for my lovely children.

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Sister Wives

I saw it for the first time last night. The end of season three and the beginning of season 4.  Curiosity got the best of me so I started watching it from the beginning on Netflix.  After a couple of episodes I found myself rather depressed.  I think it was do to the reaction of "Wife 3" had to his courting "Wife 4". 
I can share a lot of things, but my husband is not one of them.  Not only knowing he is sharing the bed of other women, but sharing his heart.  Wife 3 is more raw in her emotions than the other two.  I see pain, even though it is a chosen life and they claim to be satisfied.  I can see the bond the wives have and I think under different circumstances I might like a a commune setting...with my own man and my own family.  But that is only speculation seeing how I am married to a hermit.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blast From the Past

Our cousin, Mike, found these pictures (somewhere) I assume he went through some of Aunt Dot's old albums....Anyway I must have been about 15...No, I didn't have orange hair...I have no idea how it got so distorted...I was very blond in my youth...but I have to laugh at the eyebrows!

And my beautiful sister Karen...

We were just babies....
I don't know why her's is pristine, but I am glad it is...I'm thinking she was in the 10th grade...brings back wonderful "sister" memories...
It is amazing, my niece Jennifer looks just like her....AJ looks like me...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Loving You is Easier

Willie Nelson & Dyan Cannon
Honeysuckle Rose

I have seen the morning burning golden on the mountain in the skies  
Aching with the feeling of the freedom of an eagle as she flies  
Turning on the world the way you smiled upon my soul as I lay dying  
And healing as the colors in the sunshine and the shadows of your eyes  
Waking in the morning to the feeling of your fingers on my skin  
Wiping out the traces of the people and the places that I've been  
Teaching me that yesterday was something that I never thought of trying  
Talking of tomorrow and the money love and time we have to spend  

Loving you is easier than anything I'll ever do again 

Coming close together with a feeling that I've never known before in my time  
You ain't ashamed to be a woman you know just how to be a friend  
I don't know the answers to the easy way you opened every door in my mind  
Dreaming is as easy as believing it's never gonna end  

Loving you is easier than anything I'll ever do again  
Loving you is easier than anything I'll ever do again

Original Lyrics By Kris Kristofferson

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day

Mary Alma Eaton-Bush
July 7, 1939- February 19, 2002

This is my 11th Mother's Day without my mother. The years since she passed February 19, 2002 have zipped by.  There is not a day that she doesn't come to mind in some form.  The only thing worse than not having my mom alive to celebrate with would be to not have one of my children.  I am blessed to have my three sons alive and healthy another beautiful May.
Wyatt has plans...whether he goes through with them or not is the question.  But it doesn't matter, I love the way he loves me regardless whether he makes me breakfast in bed.  I really should go over and see Doug's mom, I am just not sure I am up to it. I miss my own mom so much.  She would be so proud of AJ and Wyatt.  And little Jesse would have stolen her heart.  Today I am sad.  I guess the as the country song goes " You never know lonely till it is chiseled in stone."  I would give anything to have another day with her...another healthy fun day...

I took this picture down to scan it into my computer.  When I put it back into the frame I saw my own face and tried to take a picture of it with my cell phone....sorta worked....One way to get a picture with her I suppose....

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mothering or Smothering?

I cannot think of a greater honor than to be a mother.  I have dedicated my life to my family.  Making sure they had a life of comfort and security.  Before I fool you into thinking I am the 21st century June Cleaver, I have made ginormous mistakes along the way.  I have been loud when I should have been silent, judgmental when I should have been compassionate and my own personal need to be right over shadowed the truth.  And my biggest failure was not letting my kids live to their potential.  I guess my need to be a mother, meeting my own desire to nurture overshadowed my children's needs to mature and take responsibility for themselves.  After a time of resenting my relationship with my boys, I have come to the realization that it is not their fault.  I have nothing to resent them for, really I am in a situation to apologize. I have also decided it was time to let go of AJ. Loosen the grip on Wyatt and begin to train Jesse.
This morning I woke at 4:30.  After a time of trying to go back to sleep, I gave in and crawled out of my warm bed. I gave AJ a chance to get up on his own and when he didn't I woke him.  After all I have been coddling him most of his life, I don't feel it is fair to throw him to the wolves.  I knew he wouldn't have time to make his lunch so as a courtesy I did that for him.  On the way to work (he shares my car) I told him that it was time for him to be on his own.  Check with me the night before to decide if he is using the car or if I am driving him, pack his lunch and get what he needs ready for the work day ahead and get himself up in the morning.  I told him I am sure he is going to great, but if he doesn't, natural consequences follow.  Don't get up- late or miss work. Don't make lunch- a very hungry day. I also told him that I love him and if he needs help to ask for it. As far as using my car as his own? That needs to tone down.  Ask to use my car!  Check with each other about plans, don't just assume I don't have any. And when he goes back to Elim, he MUST get a job.  Doug and I cannot continue to put money in his checking account and run short ourselves. We have a home to run and two minor children to raise.  If he has an emergency of course he can count on us.  I want him to have food in his dorm, but he is on  the food plan at school, three square meals, he won't starve.  As far as personal care items and laundry detergent, he'll have to buy that himself or mooch off his friends.
As to Wyatt.  I had a talk with him last night.  He will be given an allowance.  A modest one to start with. He can chose to spend it but he needs to be wise and save part. He is going to be responsible for half the money needed for youth outings.  We already paid for the Tour of Syracuse so that is done, he doesn't have to repay us for  that, but plenty of other things are coming up.  If he wants things not in our budget, he has to save for them, if he wants something more expensive (100.00 shoes instead of 50.00) he has to save the extra funds for that. He will have set chores, that if he doesn't do them he will have money reduced from his allowance.  The natural consequence for Mr. Wyatt? If he doesn't have the money to do what he wants, he doesn't get it...including Youth outings. If he is short funds for youth because of circumstances beyond his control, we will help him.  The point is to teach him responsibility, not so much punish. Wyatt is willing and wants to change.  I think he is a little weary of what it will be like, but he trusts me.

Jesse is three and oh so trainable. He is at an age that he WANTS to help.  I need to start letting him.  Teaching him to pick up after himself, dusting, watering plants, setting the table...if he cleans something and I have to go back and redo, that is okay.  He needs an allowance too.  Maybe three dollars a week?

Sticking to my guns when I know my kids are unhappy will be hard for me.  Letting them be kids and enjoying their childhood was always the highest priority for me. I can now see that giving up everything for their happiness doesn't make anyone truly happy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

No one

Has the ability to hurt me like my sons....

But no one else has the ability to bring me as much joy....

I know how incredibly blessed I am...even through the tears...

Good Hair Day

Jessica came on Friday to touch up the blond and add in brown low lights....Think we are getting pretty close to my "model" hair color...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

How is It Possible?

To have a world full of people, family and intimate friends and still feel alone?